Ao486 Core Info

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Compatibility List[edit]

Compatibility List

Tips & Tricks[edit]


As F12 is a usable 486 button, this core uses <windowskey>-F12


To create a VHD on the MiSTer device itself, use F9 from the main MiSTer menu (not in any core), the default user/pass is root/1.

cd /media/fat/games/ao486/
dd if=/dev/zero of=<nameofvhd>.vhd status=progress bs=1M count=2000

If on usb:

cd /media/usb0/games/ao486

This will create a 2GB VHD, change the `count=2000` to some other number for a different size (note, pre-FAT32, 2GB was the largest supported)
NOTE: On some installations the ao486 folder is AO486 (caps do matter in linux)

Floppy Disk Images/Getting MISTERFS.EXE on a VHD[edit]

I found an app that will create floppy disk images that can be mounted in the ao486 core.

The application is shareware, and will limit the number of images created before forcing registration, but either register to support them creating this, or just create your needed image within the limit. You can then download the MISTERFS.EXE from the main development page and put it on a disk image. One trick, when saving, change the `Save as type` drop down to `All files` and then name the file <something>.img, as imz isn't supported in the ao486 core.

Sound in Lemmings[edit]

Run your core at 30Mhz